
时间:2023-11-13 作者:Assignment4me


1. 使用客观和中立的语言 🗣️🔬


- Less appropriate: I think the new approach is amazing and will definitely solve the problem.
- More appropriate: The new approach shows promising results and has the potential to address the problem.

2. 使用简洁和清晰的表达 🎯✏️


- Less appropriate: The utilization of solar energy as an alternative energy source is an area of research that has been garnering a substantial amount of attention in recent years.
- More appropriate: Solar energy, as an alternative energy source, has received significant attention in recent years.

3. 使用恰当的时态和语态 🔀🕰️


  • Less appropriate: The researchers will conduct the experiment and analyzed the results.
  • More appropriate: The researchers conducted the experiment and analyzed the results.

4. 避免使用口语和非正式的表达 🚫🗣️


- Less appropriate: The experiment was a piece of cake for the researchers.
- More appropriate: The experiment was easily conducted by the researchers

5. 使用准确的词汇和术语 📚🔍


- Less appropriate: The scientist used a microscope to see tiny animals.
- More appropriate: The biologist used a microscope to observe microorganisms.


6. 使用严谨的论证和证据 💼📈


- Less appropriate: The medication works because it is natural and many people have tried it.
- More appropriate: The medication is effective, as demonstrated by multiple peer-reviewed studies and clinical trials.

7. 避免过度使用修辞和形容词 🚫🎨


- Less appropriate: The groundbreaking, revolutionary technique completely transformed the field.
- More appropriate: The novel technique significantly impacted the field.

8. 明确指出观点和结论 📍📚


- Less appropriate: It seems that the results might support the hypothesis.
- More appropriate: The results provide strong evidence for the hypothesis

9. 注重段落和句子的结构 ⚙️📝


markdownCopy code
- Less appropriate: The study examined the relationship between A and B. The results were surprising. They found a strong correlation.
- More appropriate: The study examined the relationship between A and B and found a strong correlation, which was surprising.


10. 使用恰当的引用和参考文献 📚🔗


markdownCopy code
- Less appropriate: According to some research, the relationship between A and B is significant.
- More appropriate: According to Smith (2020), the relationship between A and B is significant.

11. 避免使用过于复杂的词汇 🚫📖


- Less appropriate: The study evinced a propitious result.
- More appropriate: The study showed a favorable result

12. 保持一致的写作风格和格式 ⚙️📄


- Less appropriate: The participants were aged 18-25. Later, the participants (aged 30-40) were interviewed.
- More appropriate: The participants were aged 18-25. Later, the participants aged 30-40 were interviewed.


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