审计作业代写 审计学专业essay代写200个常用词汇

时间:2021-11-29 作者:Assignment4me


1 ability to perform the work 工作能力
2 acceptance procedures 验收手续
3 accountability 问责制
4 accounting estimate 会计估计
5 accounts receivable listing 应收账款清单
6 accounts receivable 应收账款
7 accruals listing 分隔列表
8 accruals 应计项目
9 accuracy 精度
10 adverse opinion 否定意见
11 aged analysis 年龄分析(法律,科学)研究
12 agents 代理人
13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务
14 analysis of errors 错误分析
15 anomalous error 异常错误
16 appointment ethics 职业道德
17 appointment 任命
18 associated firms 协会实力
19 association of chartered certified accounts特许认证帐户协会(ACCA)特殊帐户审核(ACCA)
20 assurance engagement 个保证参与
21 assurance 保险
22 audit 审计,审核,核数
23 audit acceptance 审计承兑
24 audit approach 审计方法
25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组
26 audit engagement 审计业务约定书
27 audit evaluation 审计评价
28 audit evidence 审计证据
29 audit plan 审计计划
30 audit program 审计程序
31 audit report as a means of communication 审计报告作为一种通讯方法
32 audit report 审计报告
33 audit risk 审计风险
34 audit sampling 审计抽样
35 audit staffing 审计工作人员
36 audit timing 审计时间
37 audit trail 审计追踪
38 auditing standards 审计准则
39 auditors duty of care 审计(查帐)员的义务责任
40 auditors report 审计报告
41 authority attached to ISAs 附属于ISA的权限附属于ISA的权限
42 automated working papers 自动工作文件
43 bad debts 坏账损失
44 bank 银行
45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表
46 beneficial interests 个经济利益
47 best value 最佳价值
48 business risk 经营风险
49 cadbury committee cadbury 吉百利委员会
50 cash count 现金盘点
51 cash system 兑现系统
52 changes in nature of engagement 义务性质变化
53 charges and commitments 费用与义务
54 charities 慈善机构
55 tom walls tom 墙壁
56 chronology of an audit 审计年表
57 CIS application controls CIS 个CIS应用程序控件
58 CIS environments stand-alone microcomputers 个CIS环境独立微型计算机
59 client screening 客户筛选
60 closely connected 紧密相关
61 clubs 俱乐部
62 communications between auditors and management 审计师与管理层之间的沟通
63 communications on internal control 内部控制通讯
64 companies act 公司法
65 comparative financial statements 比较财务报表
66 comparatives 个比较
67 competence 能力
68 compilation engagement 订单创建
69 completeness 完整性
70 completion of the audit 审计结束
71 compliance with accounting regulations 遵守会计准则
72 computers assisted audit techniques (CAATs) 计算器辅助审计技术 (CAATs)
73 confidence 信任
74 confidentiality 保密性
75 confirmation of accounts receivable 索偿确认
76 conflict of interest 利益冲突
77 constructive obligation 直至付款的虚拟义务
78 contingent asset 或有资产
79 contingent liability 或有负债
80 control environment 控制环境
81 control procedures 控制程序
82 control risk 控制风险
83 controversy 争议
84 corporate governance 公司治理,公司管制
85 corresponding figures 相应的计算
86 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本
87 cost 成本
88 courtesy 礼遇优待
89 creditors 债权人
90 current audit files 本期审计档案
91 database management system (DBMS) 数据库管理制度 (数据管理系统)
92 date of report 报告日期
93 depreciation 折旧,贬值
94 design of the sample 样品设计
95 detection risk 检测风险
96 direct verification approach 直接核查法
97 directional testing 方向抽查
98 directors emoluments 董事酬金
99 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约
100 disagreement with management 与管理层的分歧
101 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见
102 distributions 分销,分派
103 documentation of understanding and assessment of control risk 控制风险的协商和评定的文件
104 documenting the audit process 审计过程文件
105 due care 尽职调查
106 due skill and care 关怀与尽责
107 economy 经济
108 education 培训
109 effectiveness 效用,效果
110 efficiency 效益,效率
111 eligibility / ineligibility 合格 / 无被选资格
112 emphasis of matter 物质焦点
113 engagement economics 债务经济学
114 engagement letter 业务约定书
115 error 差错
116 evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计手序的结果评估
117 examinations 检查
118 existence 存在性
119 expectations 期望差距
120 expected error 预期错误
121 experience 经验
122 expert 专家
123 external audit 独立审计
124 external review reports 外部的评论报告
125 fair 公正
126 fee negotiation 费谈判
127 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的确定评定
128 final audit 期末审计
129 financial statement assertions 个会计索偿
130 financial 财务
131 finished goods 成品
132 flowcharts 流程图
133 fraud and error 舞弊
134 fraud 欺诈
135 fundamental principles 基本原理
136 general CIS controls CIS一般控制
137 general reports to management 向管理层提交的一般报告
138 going concern assumption 持续经营假设
139 going concern 持续经营
140 goods on sale or return 货物准许退货买卖
141 goodwill 商誉
142 governance 管理
143 greenbury committee greenbury 格林伯里委员会
144 guidance for internal auditors 内部审计师准则
145 hampel committee 美术委员会
146 haphazard selection 随机选择
147 hospitality 款待
148 human resources 人力资源
149 IAPS 1000 inter-bank confirmation procedures IAPS 1000 银行间确认程序
150 IAPS 1001 CIS environments-stand-alone microcomputers IAPS 1001 CIS 环境-单机微型计算器
151 IAPS 1002 CIS environments-on-line computer systems IAPS 1002 CIS 环境-(与主机)联机计算器系统
152 IAPS 1003 CIS environments-database systems IAPS 1003 CIS 环境-数据库系统
153 IAPS 1005 the special considerations in the audit of small entities 审核小型企业特殊注意事项
154 IAS 2 inventories 存货信息设备2
155 IAS 10 events after the balance sheet date IAS资产负债表日之后的事件10
156 IFACs code of ethics for professional accountants IFAC的《专业会计师道德守则》
157 income tax 所得税
158 incoming auditors 收入审计(查帐)员
159 independent estimate 独立估算
160 ineligible for appointment 无被选资格的为任命
161 information technology 信息技术
162 inherent risk 固有风险
163 initial communication 签署通讯
164 insurance 保险
165 intangibles 无形
166 integrity 完整性
167 interim audit 中期审计
168 internal auditing 内部审计
169 internal auditors 内部审计师
170 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs) 内部控制评价调查表
171 internal control questionnaires (ICQs) 内部控制调查表
172 internal control system 内部控制系统
173 internal review assignment 内部的评论转让
174 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB) 国际的审计和保证标准登船 (IAASB)
175 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs) 国际的审计实务声明 (IAPSs)
176 international federation of accountants (IFAC) 国际会计师联合会 (IFAC)
177 inventory system 盘存制度
178 inventory valuation 存货估价
179 ISA 230 documentation 库存系统
180 ISA 240 fraud and error 欺诈和错误
181 ISA 250 consideration of law and regulations 法律法规
182 Isa 260 communications of audit matters with those charge governance 与管理负责人沟通检查事宜
183 isa 300 planning isa 300 计划编制
184 isa 310 knowledge of the business 企业知识
185 isa 320 audit materiality 审计重要性
186 isa 400 accounting and internal control isa 400 会计和内部控制
187 isa 402 audit considerations relating to entities using service organisations 有关使用服务组织的实体的注意事项

188 isa 500 audit evidence 审计证据
189 isa 501 audit evidence-additional considerations for specific items isa 501个审计证据-补偿为特殊条款
190 isa 510 external confirmations isa 510外部的查证
191 isa 520 analytical procedures 520分析性程序
192 isa 530 audit sampling 530审计抽样
193 isa 540 audit of accounting estimates 资产负债表日后发生560事件
194 isa 560 subsequent events 期后事项
195 isa 580 management representations 管理当局声明书
196 isa 610 considering the work of internal auditing 内部审核
197 isa 620 using the work of an expert 620使用专家的工作
198 isa 700 auditors report on financial statements 财务报表上的700 审计(查帐)员的报告
199 isa 710 comparatives isa 710个比较图
200 isa 720 other information in documents containing audited financial statements 720包含已审计财务报表的文档中的其他信息





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